
(23-24) Kawasaki ZX-4RR Stage 1+ Performance Flash with Tuner


(23-24) Kawasaki ZX-4RR Stage 1+ Performance Flash with Tuner





The 2023 ZX-4R / RR is one of the most requested products we've had this year. Customers are very excited to see this bike unlocked and we were the first to finish this project for the community. Being the first to unlock the 2021 ZX10is never enough for us. We want to make sure that people are not only satisfied with our flashes, we want them to be amazed with the results. After taking some time to develop our mapping, we think we have something everyone will be happy with.


  • Fueling Adjusted (per gear)
  • Ignition Adjusted (per gear)
  • Throttle De-restricted (per gear) +15hp
  • Lower Fan-On Temp
  • Increased RPM Limiter
  • Removed Top Speed Limiter


  • FUELING -  With custom tuning we can target better AFR (air/fuel ratio) plots to enhance not only racing performance, but also cruising and partial throttle inputs. On the ZX4 there is alot of extra unnecssary fuel to limit the bikes performance. On the same front, better fuel economy can be retained.
  • IGNITION - Optimized to make the most power while still being safe and reliable.
  • THROTTLE DE-RESTRICTION - Giving you the ability to utilize 100% of the throttle is paramount in track situations where you need all the power you can get on demand. The factory file has a “dead spot” on the top end that kills the bikes power curve when it should be making the most. This also means any kind of straight line acceleration also suffers. We remove these factory restrictions to ensure a smooth and predictable throttle, all the way to redline.
  • LOWER FAN-ON TEMP - Let’s face it, this bike rides a little on the hot side. To help not only the riders enjoyment but also keep the engine slightly cooler, we've lowered the fan-on temps.
  • INCREASED RPM LIMITER (at customer request) - We can raise the factory limiter by 500 rpms safely at your request.
  • INCREASED TOP SPEED LIMITER - Removed so you can let the bike run free in any track environment.


  • YOUR BIKE MUST HAVE ONE OF THESE ECU NUMBERS: (21175-1861, 21175-1855, 21175-1876, 21175-1867, 21175-1873, 21175-1874, 21175-1866, 21175-1862, 21175-1863, 21175-1865, 21175-1875).
  • If your bike has a different ECU number EMAIL US BEFORE PURCHASE. Your ECU number can be found on the ECU itself in the tail of the bike.  We will be working to add more and will update this page when we do.

Don't be fooled by imitations with empty promises, see why everyone uses us: 



REACH OUT TO [email protected] OR (877) 483-4031

Dyno Testing

2023 Kawasaki ZX4RR before vs. after dyno test. 

+20whp gains on these models by flashing the ecu, which is insane for this small engine!



Custom tuning at your finger tips on your schedule.  Read and write your own motorcycles ecu in the comfort of your home. No longer need to bring your bike to a shop, buying a $1000 hardware kit + time + dyno then paying for time of a technician one time deal.  You now have a virtual custom personal tuner at your finger tips. This is a for life purchase with full flexibility to transfer to other motorcycles in the future. Thoroughly tested by our own engineers, not just for its function but also durability.  


  • NO DOWNTIME - No need to send in your ECU or remove it from your bike at all.  You order the handheld, it get's delivered to you nearly instantly, and you flash your bike on your time easily.  You never miss a day of riding and no effort removing the ECU. Any issues, you can revert back to the full stock state.
  • READ AND CLEAR CHECK ENGINE LIGHTS - Full diagnostic of the ecu including the device.
  • STORE MULTIPLE MAPS - When you send in your ECU, you only get one map.  You might be thinking, "why would I need more than one map?".  Storing multiple maps means you're able to flash for different configurations.  If you're a serious track competitor, we can work with you to get you different mapping for different tracks.  If, for example, you're add modifications to your stock bike, we can email you a file that takes the new exhaust into account with the changes you need to optimize your bike's new modifications with no mailing needed.
  • GO BACK TO STOCK ANYTIME - Not only can you store multiple files, you can also flash the original, stock file back into the bike at any time and for any reason for service, sales, and more.
  • ABILITY TO TUNE FUTURE BIKES - Customers swap bikes all the time! With our handheld tuner, you are able to put the first bike back to stock, then reset the device and use the same device on your next bike, with a simple and low cost transfer fee.
  • ANY ISSUES? We can resolve nearly anything remotely really quick with our engineering staff.


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BT Moto Handheld Instructions
BT Moto Flasher+ Troubleshooting Guide
Handheld Transfer FAQ

FAQ - Product Question

  • No and Yes.The BT Moto handheld tuner is VIN locked to the first motorcycle it flashes.This means any other motorcycle cannot use the handheld tuner. HOWEVER, should you decide to put the motorcycle back to the stock mapping, you're able to unpair it.The only way to use the BT Moto handheld tuner on another motorcycle is to unpair it from the first motorcycle.

  • 1) Plug the "My Genius" device into your computer

    2) Open our Flasher+/My Genius client software on your computer

    3) Click "Info" on our software

    4) On the bottom of that page it'll say last file written to ECU

    5) "Ori" means original (stock file)

    6) Mod files will be labeled and will correspond with what is shown in the "notes" section of each mod file drop down

  • The BT Moto handheld tuner stores multiple maps that you can change at any time. Unlike the mail-in ECU option, this means no downtime for your motorcycle while we do the flashing process. You can also go back to your stock mapping at any time you'd like and even read and clear engine faults. Additionally, some models will allow for DTC reading / clearing and maintenance light resets.

  • Yes, the end result is the same. Your motorcycle will now be flashed with our custom mapping, BUT with the BT Moto handheld tuner you're able to change maps for different fuels or go back to stock at anytime (along with many more features).

  • We recommend that you listen to your manufacturer's break-in procedures and do not flash until your motorcycle is fully "broken in". In the case with BMW this means waiting the 600 miles with limited RPM. We cannot circumvent the manufacturer's procedure. We are not able to remove factory enabled rev-limiters set in place at the dealer level and foregoing the first service will always result in warranty denial at the dealer level.

  • DO NOT FLASH YOUR MOTORCYCLE FOR THE FIRST TIME ON THE WEEKEND. Should an unforeseen error occur, no one will be able to help you until the following Monday. If it's your first time flashing with the handheld, please do it during the week while our technical support staff can help you if issues arise. Please do not start threads on Facebook or forums, please wait for our technical support to arrive back into the office and handle your situation.

  • Easy, you purchase the handheld, we ship it to you. Use the BT Moto handheld tuner to copy your motorcycles stock file (motorcycle will still run fine after this) then email that to

    BT Moto. We will then create a file from your stock mapping and email it back to you so you can upload it to the handheld. Once uploaded you'll be able to flash your motorcycle with the

    BT Moto handheld tuner.

  • No, this is not necessary. Assuming your motorcycle is running stock oxygen sensors the BT Moto flash will not need to be dyno calibrated.  If you're a person that needs to squeeze out every last bit of power (most will not need this), you can either bring the motorcycle to us for custom tuning with our flash or one of our partners, found on the partner's page of our website. If you're already running a Power Commander or some other piggyback fuel module that eliminates the stock oxygen sensors, you'll then need custom tuning on the fuel controller side.

  • Yes, you can go back to your stock mapping at any time you'd like and even read and clear engine faults and some models you can reset throttle and also maintenance lights.

  • This will depend on how fast you decide to ship to us and what you paid for shipping back. Shipping aside, once we receive your ECU expect us to have it back on the way to you within two business days.

  • If you have an aftermarket piggyback controller of any kind, you will be 100% responsible for your own setup and fuel adjustments after ECU mapping is installed to your motorcycle. Diagnostics and support is not available for third party, piggyback controllers.

  • Contact your dealer FIRST. This is the fastest way to get support. If your dealer has questions, they will contact us directly.

  • We ship UPS from Massachusetts. It is more expensive for international orders, but the product always arrives

  • ​Unfortunately due to each country and even some locations in the same country charging varying tariffs, we cannot tell you specific duties owed. We do ship most diagnostic tools with a $200 USD invoice, making the tax rate you are paying for on around $200 USD. ECU's are sent back with a "warranty return" invoice with them and a low value.

    • East Coast - 1 to 3 days
    • Midwest - 2 to 4 days
    • West Coast - 4 to 5 days

  • This depends on location. Most US orders will be around $30 USD or under for shipping standard sized items. International orders will be $120 USD and under for standard sized items. We are constantly working with UPS to get better rates and lower the pricing to many of our most popular international locations. As always you can consult with your local BT Moto dealer in regards to inventory to potentially help lower the shipping rate. Ordering in bulk can help better minimize shipping costs as well.

  • The BT Motohand held tuner stores multiple maps that you can change at any time. Unlike the mail-in ECU option, this means no downtime for your motorcycle while we do the flashing process. You can also go back to your stock mapping at any time you'd like and even read and clear engine faults. The mail-in is one map and you cannot change it unless you mail the ECU back in to BT Moto. Additionally, if the dealer were to ever issue an ECU update, with the handheld updates can be provided remotely while with a mail-in, you'd have to mail the ECU back in to get your old software back.

  • No you cannot. Due to issues with customers selling locked devices, improperly reset devices, broken devices and more, we no longer offer transfer of handheld devices outside of the original owner. If the original owner purchase another motorcycle and can provide proof of ownership, the device can be transferred to their new motorcycle, you would only have to pay for remapping.

  • No you cannot. The device is designed to be used on one VIN number. Once that one VIN number has been used it cannot be used on any other motorcycle. If you have 2 bikes in your garage and want to tune them both, both will need their own device and tuning package.

  • Anytime you take your motorcycle to the dealer they will first plug it into their diagnostic system to check for any software updates or recalls. If they see a software update available for your motorcycle, they will automatically update it without consulting you. This is a normal process followed by most dealers. Because of this update, the software version of your ECU is now different than the handheld and will result in an error message when trying to load your old tuned file. This means the handheld won't work with your motorcycle and it has to be reset to work again. If you go to the dealer, make sure you let them know not to update your motorcycle's software if you're flashed. Always always always make sure to put the original stock file on the motorcycle through our handheld tool BEFORE bringing it to the dealer.

    If the stock file was not used the device will be locked up and need to be re-license. If it is a Flasher+ tool a $200 re-license fee will be needed to unlock the device and then $200 to remap it back to it's previous flash level. If it is a PowerGate3+ device, a new device will have to be purchased as there are no resets available for that device.

  • When shipping is paid for on the website it means shipping from us to you.  This charge has no bearing on how you decide to ship your ECU to us. That is entirely up to you but we do recommend UPS exclusively as they have an amazing success rate of package delivery for us.

  • Go to "Work" -> "Writing" -> "Original" in the handheld and then it'll load the original factory stock file to your motorcycle

  • If you have reached out to your dealer and have received no response in (2) business days, email us directly for support.

  • No we cannot.

  • We are on the east coast of the United States and open Monday-Friday from 10AM-5PM. Please keep this in mind when emailing us. We recommend you don't do any flashing of your motorcycle on the weekend because we aren't in the office to help you with your issues, should any occur.  If you email early in the day, we should get back to you that day, if not, the next. Officially we stick to a 48 hour window on replies but typically we are much faster. If you haven't heard from us within 48 hours, please bump the email thread as maybe it was missed. If it's before 48 hours, do not call or email as it will delay the process. Expect a longer response time if you email us on Friday night as we won't be back in the office until the following Monday.

  • Email us the issue and await a response. Will will get to your email as soon as possible. We work from bottom of emails to top, so by bumping your thread multiple times, you will effectively put yourself at the bottom of the queue. Please keep in mind our shop hours when awaiting a reply.

  • This is the brain to your motorcycle. It is fragile and should be shipped as such. Keep in mind the shipping company may be drop, throw or accidentally kick your package. This means get a larger box than the ECU and fill it with soft packing that can absorb any impacts or damage the box may sustain. If you don't know how to do this take your ECU to a shipping outlet and ask them to package the ECU securely. DO NOT SHIP YOUR ECU IN A PADDED ENVELOPE!

  • Usually just the ECU but some will require more items. Make sure to read the product details at the top and bottom to get a full understanding of what's needed for your flash along with the product order form you will be sent. Example: A 2017 S1000RR ECU mail-in requires ECU, Key, Ignition and Gauge cluster while a 2017 K1600 ECU mail-in requires just the ECU. Again, it's vital to read ALL of our notes and instructions on each product and the product order form you receive and follow accordingly. In addition to the ECU and potential other items, you will also need a paid invoice and product order form in the box.


2 lbs
10x11x11 in

BT Moto currently ships directly through UPS. We offer domestic and international shipping.

We ship with UPS as it’s more reliable, has the least amount of shipping issues, and is continuously better than other shipping methods we’ve tried.

Shipping options will automatically display during the checkout process and depends on the size of your order, location etc.

For the majority of our products, the following shipping options through UPS are available.

  • Ground (typically 3-7 business days)
  • 2-Day Air
  • Next Day Air
International Shipping rates are based on a Flat Fee Delivery. They are as follows :



Qatar, Denmark, Finland, Spain, Switzerland:


Belgium, Germany:


International Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Korea South, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, France, Ireland, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand :



Add a review


4 reviews

1000% satisfied

Let me start this by saying that BT Moto is the best. My ‘23 ZX4RR comes locked from the factory and I had been thinking of a tune. At the time BT didn’t offer anything for my bike. I had done some research and I was impressed with how professional BT was in their videos and how they did all of these high end bikes. I was weary of sending my ECU out because anything could happen. While talking to a friend, who used BT for his 2018 Panegale, he looked and noticed that they now offered a service for my bike. I was hooked. The concept of just flashing the ECU was appealing because as an auto mechanic, I’ve flashed many cars before, so I knew what to do. I decided to buy during the Black Friday sale but the weather here kept me from really trying out the tune until very recently. I now have some hours and miles on it and it’s insanely good. I understand it’s only a 400cc but the bike is completely transformed. I am completely stock and it just feels like a different bike. I’m amazed at how good it feels and how much more was unlocked. The fact that I can work with BT for more maps and having a process that’s so simple was worth the extra cost. As long as BT makes a tune, I’ll always use BT!
19 March 2025 ELVIS MORALES

must buy

I purchased stage 1 and 2 tunes for my 2021 zx10r and could not be happier. They turned my bike into a beast! Bike runs great and exceeded my expectations! Customer service has also been awesome, they actually answer the phone and help with any questions you have. They went above and beyond for me and I can't recommend them enough. Thank you!
31 March 2023 monks02r1


I own a 2021 Ninja ZX10-R, and I’ve gotten both stage 1 and 2 tunes for the bike. Forget about going to a dyno and waiting weeks for a perfect tune, Bren will do that in DAYS. The results I’ve had using this product are stellar. Everything they describe in their product descriptions is very detailed and extremely accurate. The maps they provide will absolutely wake your bike up and you will experience what the full potential of your bike is. HIGHLY recommended and EXTREMELY trustful :)
30 March 2023 go0rmka

Great tune, big thanks to BT-Moto in unlocking ZX-10RR ECU
19 September 2021 Peter Agoglia


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